I signed up for NARAL's newsletter just to see what they say. And I found out...they don't say anything. When you read this, you will see that they say pretty much nothing.
1) They say women don't have access to abortion ??? Oh, as if! Who are they trying to fool, 13 year olds who don't know better?
2) They want money.
3) Sexually transmitted disease is running rampant...well, no kidding ! Condoms don't work!
4) Anti-Choice? Whoa! The choice is BEFORE the conception. Again, who are they trying to sell this to?
5) 87% of counties don't have abortion clinics?? What?? They want a clinic in every county?? We don't even have enough snow plows for every county! Puhleeese!
6) Asks if I have ever known women who have had abortions..oh yes, yes I have. And EACH one of them needed serious counseling to even come close to forgiving themselves. I have seen "I'm so in love with him" ladies hate the sight of him after the abortion. I have seen grandparents grieve that they cannot stop their daughter from falling for the lies. Oh yes, I have known people who had abortions, the guys who couldn't stop it, and the grandparents who could not stop the death of the child.
7) They are losing ! Ladies and gentlemen, Planned Parenthood is losing. This is the best they can do for *reasons*?
Read below..and don't you know my stomach turns every time I receive this bunk from them but as they say..."know thy enemy."
Who Decides?
How Does Your State Measure Up?
The nation's grade is a dismal D-
Your new 2009 state grade on choice is F
Dear Kathie,
If you have ever known a woman who has faced an unintended pregnancy, you know the fundamental importance of her right to make this difficult, personal decision without pressure or stigma.
Sadly, that may not be an option in many states across the country -- possibly even in yours.
Please donate to NARAL Pro-Choice America today.
On the national level we must undo the damage of Bush’s legacy by urging President Obama to reverse the last minute Federal Refusal Rule as well as increase our investment in family planning here at home through the Title X program.
It is truly frightening that more than 36 years after the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, many women face more obstacles in exercising their right to choose than their mothers did a generation ago. Please support NARAL Pro-Choice America today and help us continue our work protecting choice for another 40 years.
We are at a pivotal moment in American history after pro-choice electoral successes across the country. But with these successes comes profound responsibility.
We cannot achieve our goals without your support. Please donate today.
Here's what we're up against:
* 87 percent of U.S. counties have no abortion provider.
* One in four teenage girls in America today has a sexually transmitted infection.
* Fifteen states have near-total criminal bans on abortion that directly challenge the protections guaranteed under Roe v. Wade.
* Since 1995, states have enacted more than 500 anti-choice measures, including 28 in 2008 alone.
This is why I urge you to contribute to NARAL Pro-Choice America today.
We need your help to protect and defend a woman’s right to choose, and ensure that NARAL Pro-Choice America is around for another 40 years; because American women and their families depend on us to fight for them!
Women are counting on us, and we are counting on you. Please donate today.
My Best,
Nancy Keenan
Nancy Keenan
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Tell your friends about the Choice Action Network.
Daily Rome Shot 1252 – Peace be with you (7)
3 hours ago
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