The Manhattan Declaration

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

40 Days For Life -- Abortionist Quits !

David Bereit, 40 Days for Life"

I wasn't planning to write to you again until after
New Year's Day, but two things changed that...

1.) Many of you asked if we had a recording from my
appearance on last Friday's Sean Hannity show.
The short answer is YES!

2.) We just got some wonderful news from the 40 Days
for Life team in Pensacola, Florida, that I knew
you'd be excited to hear about as we go into the
new year.

First things first...

You can listen to the entire 11-minute segment about
40 Days for Life from the Sean Hannity show at:

After you listen, please leave a quick comment at the
bottom of that page and let me know your thoughts.

Guest host Scott Hennen did a great job. We couldn't
have asked for a more enthusiastic endorsement of 40
Days for Life!

During the radio show I discussed the abortion
industry's "insider" strategy memo which provides
marching orders for Obama during his first 100 days
in office -- including requests that he provide the
failing abortion industry with a $4.6 BILLION
taxpayer funded bailout.

You can access that report -- and leave your comments
for the Obama transition team -- at:

Now the good news from Florida...

Ernie and Mary Beth Cyr, coordinators of the
Pensacola 40 Days for Life campaign, just sent out
the following message:

"Thank you to all for your prayers for those
working in the abortion industry. We have just
received word from a relative of a worker at the
9th Avenue abortion clinic (where 40 Days for
Life was held this fall) that she has quit the
abortion industry! Praise God!

Please keep this woman in your prayers that she
will find God's merciful forgiveness in this new
year of 2009.

The woman faces a possible gap in employment, and
if needed we will be taking up a collection to
help her. We want her to feel embraced by the pro
-life community in Pensacola and let her know
that her choice FOR LIFE is supported by many she
does not know, but who have been unceasingly
praying for her conversion to LIFE."

What a blessing!

This goes to show how the prayers and faithfulness of
God's people continue to have a powerful impact long
after a 40 Days for Life campaign is over.

And it also demonstrates the compassion our movement
has for everyone affected by the tragedy of abortion
-- not only unborn babies.

With that news in mind, let's look forward to the
great things God has in store for 2009.

Happy New Years!

David Bereit
National Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

P.S.- After mentioning in the last message that we'll
begin accepting applications for the spring 40 Days
for Life on January 6, a number of people asked for
more information on what is involved in conducting a
local campaign. We've prepared a comprehensive report
to help answer that question.

If you are thinking about holding a 40 Days for Life
in your town from February 25 - April 5, get all the
specifics by downloading the "40 Days for Life 2009
Campaign Overview Report" (PDF document) at:

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